The western United States dominate the electric vehicle (EV) landscape, according to analysis by StorageCafe, a nationwide storage space marketplace.
Los Angeles has the most EVs and the largest number of public charging stations among the 100 largest metro areas and Seattle is the best metro area for electric vehicles (EV) due to a combination of factors, including the high number of EVs, charging options, and clean energy production. Miami was the only southern metro area to break into the top 10.
Storage CafĂ© ranked the metro areas against a series of metrics including number of EVs, public chargers, price of electricity, a dedicated highway system, condition of roads, clean energy, EV insurance costs and local incentives. EV drivers tend to own more than one car so the analysis also considered local self-storage provisions as it can help with parking and “garage-space optimization.”
Read more on the current and expected future growth in EV sales in this InTransition story.