Contact InTransition

Questions, comments, press releases and feedback should be directed to [email protected] or by calling (973) 639-8424.  Letters to the editor and op-eds are accepted. All submissions should include a daytime phone number for verification purposes.


InTransition welcomes contributions from researchers, transportation practitioners, advocates, faculty, journalists and others with an interest in transportation and urban affairs. Contributors are encouraged to contact us with specific ideas for stories.

Writers may propose general interest features or queries tailored to the magazine's various sections, including: "Technical Toolbox," which covers technologies of interest to the transportation sector; "Perspectives," profiles or Q&A's with newsworthy subjects; and "Insider Insights," which offers experts an opportunity to highlight research, projects, trends or technologies impacting the transportation sector.

"Research Exchange" gathers brief summaries of ongoing or recently completed research about critical topics in transportation. Research organizations are welcome to send press releases or copies of their studies for consideration. We also invite readers to suggest studies that merit inclusion.

For more information, contact [email protected]