Shared Micromobility Trips Up Across North America
An urban street scene featuring a bike-sharing station, an individual crossing the sidewalk, and several parked cars.

Shared Micromobility Trips Up Across North America

The number of shared micromobility trips and the numbers of cities with shared micromobility systems are at record highs with the industry having evolved over the past 15 years. 

There were 172 million trips in North America last year, with an estimated 421 cities that had at least one bikeshare or scootershare system, according to the fifth annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report from the North American Bikeshare & Scootershare Association (NABSA). The Portland, Maine-based organization released its annual report last month. 

"Climate, transportation equity, connections to transit, and financial sustainability continue to be key themes for the industry as electrification of shared micromobility devices and of operational vehicles expands,” according to the 21-page report, which tracks the progress and presents new research demonstrating the impact of the industry across North America. 

The total number of shared micromobility vehicles has slightly decreased since 2022 but the vehicles are being ridden more. Micromobility trips replaced a car trip about 37 percent of the time (25 percent, car driver/passenger and 12 percent, taxi or rideshare), according to the report, slightly more than the 35 percent that replaced walking. Some 16 percent of all micromobility trips were for the purpose of connecting to transit.