Micromobility Fees Vary Widely, Usually Higher Than Other Modes
Ed Murray

Micromobility Fees Vary Widely, Usually Higher Than Other Modes

Taxes and fees imposed by cities on micromobility programs like bike share and scooter share vary tremendously and often are higher than most other modes of transportation.

"Taxing Shared Micromobility: Assessing the Global Landscape of Fees and Taxes and their Implications for Cities, Riders, and Operators,” by John MacArthur of Portland State University, Kevin Fang of Sonoma State University, and Calvin Thigpen of Lime, examined data from 120 cities in 16 countries and surveyed shared micromobility program managers throughout North America.

Shared micromobility is taxed twice: By sales taxes and program fees. These revenues can be substantial. On average, annual fees were $0.22 per mile or $0.28 per trip in 2022. When sales taxes are included, the average shared micromobility trip generates fee and tax revenue of $0.70 per mile or $0.89 per trip. This is a combined global average rate of 16.4% in taxes and fees derived from user fares.

When deciding on fees, cities are especially concerned with covering administrative costs as well as influencing operator behaviors.

The information can “help inform cities who are working with shared micromobility companies to align program fee structures with their goals around climate, equity, congestion, and more,” according to the 108-page report.